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Today is: 23-Feb-2025 11:54 GMT
Browse Projects ... for 'python'
Page: 23 from 30
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Image Analyzing Bot Development -- 2
Category: Java, PHP, Python, Selenium Webdriver, Software Architecture
Budget: $30 - $250 USD
15:49 GMT
Full Stack Developer for Insurance Site
Category: Artificial Intelligence, CSS, HTML, Python, Web Design
Budget: ₹75000 - ₹150000 INR
09:51 GMT
Odoo API Development & Flutter App Creation
Category: Flutter, Odoo, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $8 - $15 USD
09:50 GMT
vba code entry automation
Category: Excel, Python, VB.NET, Visual Basic, Visual Basic For Apps
Budget: €250 - €750 EUR
09:47 GMT
ESP32 Time Announcer via Old Phone
Category: Arduino, C, Programming, Electronics, Espruino, Python
Budget: $30 - $250 AUD
22:03 GMT
Integração de Getaway de pagametos online em site odoo
Category: HTML, Payment Gateway Integration, PHP, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $30 - $250 USD
16:00 GMT
Image Data Extraction & Excel Automation
Category: Data Mining, Data Processing, Excel, Python, Web Scraping
Budget: €8 - €30 EUR
09:55 GMT
Internal/External Chatbot Development
Category: C, Programming, Java, PHP, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $750 - $1500 SGD
03:59 GMT
We Python and SAS, ETL and SQL experienced developer to work for 2 hours a day remotely. We will pay 30-35k per month
Category: Amazon Web Services, ETL, Python, SQL
Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR
15:59 GMT
Odoo v17 Hotel Booking Module Development (ONLY ODOO DEVELOPERS) -- 2
Category: Odoo, Python
Budget: $2 - $8 USD
10:03 GMT
PDF Invoice Data Extraction to Excel
Category: Data Processing, Excel, Python, Software Architecture, Web Scraping
Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR
09:57 GMT
Desarrollador senior para Python
Category: Education & Tutoring, Linux, NumPy, Python, Pytorch
Budget: $15 - $25 USD
22:04 GMT
Web Scraping Automation with PHP & Python
Category: PHP, Python, Selenium, Web Scraping
Budget: $250 - $300 USD
15:53 GMT
Automated desktop program
Category: Automotive, C, Programming, JavaScript, Python, Web Security
Budget: €750 - €1500 EUR
10:03 GMT
Solana Based RUST Sniping Tool -- 2
Category: JavaScript, Python, Rust
Budget: $40 - $80 USD
10:00 GMT
Python & SQL Web App Development
Category: Java, MySQL, PHP, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $250 - $750 USD
04:03 GMT
People Detection in Surveillance Videos
Category: C#, Programming, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, OpenCV, Python
Budget: $15 - $25 USD
03:55 GMT
Fix Python Code for Label Automation -- 2
Category: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: €8 - €30 EUR
16:01 GMT
Hourly Job Scraper from Company Websites
Category: Data Mining, JavaScript, Python, Software Architecture, Web Scraping
Budget: $30 - $250 USD
15:57 GMT
Cryptocurrency Wallet Software Developer..
Category: C, Programming, C++, Cryptocurrency, Java, Python
Budget: $3000 - $5000 USD
09:52 GMT
Python Developer for Security Assessment
Category: Linux, PHP, Python, Red Hat, Software Architecture
Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR
16:00 GMT
Patch Management system
Category: Django, Linux, Python, Software Architecture, System Admin
Budget: $15 - $25 USD
15:56 GMT
Fix Python Code for Label Automation
Category: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $10 - $30 USD
15:54 GMT
Python Data Processing Program Development
Category: Amazon Web Services, Big Data Sales, Machine Learning (ML), Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $250 - $750 NZD
04:04 GMT
Convert Python Automation Script to Web App
Category: Flask, Python
Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR
03:54 GMT
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