Expected duration: less than 1 week I request proposals to create marketing brochure for a proposed residential development in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. An exemplar brochure is available (31 pages) which ideally is mirrored and can be provided depicting the key details and highlights of another site that we wish to capture or even mirror this example brochure to include landmarks, transportation networks, and community amenities.
The brochure is required for a site in Lisburn, Northern Ireland that mirrors the format and technical specifications of the example brochure. Computer generated images (CGI's) will also be incorporated into the brochures showcasing the development which is being created at present. The scope of work involves designing the brochures that showcases the sites in a professionally printed format. The timeline for completion is urgent so quick turnaround after project kick off is essential. Concise fixed price bids that demonstrate relevant portfolio experience and capacity for timely delivery are requested.
Please submit a proposed fixed price proposal for consideration.