I am looking to appoint a computer programmer who has the skills needed to build a wesbite for me. This website will have a front end giving people access to certain content for free. Users will create an account in one of two ways. Once they have an account they will be able to access all content with all functionality, including being able to take multiple choice tests in real time, and seeing data on their progress in these tests. A summary of the functionality is in the attached: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-tLwULGb-ioOrKTWYXgdhsFpMgZzYps_2I5aNJ0fcY8/edit?usp=sharing A much higher level detail in the specification also exists and will be supplied to those interested in bidding.
PLEASE only bid with a price after you have read and considered this document in full. PLEASE do not pay any attention to the budget - I have to put something in here to get PPH to put the project up.