Our company PowerPoint slides are sufficient for a lot of the work we do, but we feel there’s room to make it more professional.
Key things we have identified to change:
1. Headings – we’d like something more polished as a heading, rather than using a standard font from the list in PowerPoint – attached examples.
2. Plain slides – we have a slide that is plain white with a logo, but we’d really like a plain slide that has a little more character… minimal branding, but more than just a plain page and a logo. Some decks are full of images rather than text, and they look very plain.
3. Formats – in addition to the slides we have, it would be nice to have a few different formats to work within – attached examples. This would be for text + imagery or just text.
4. Breaker slides – our title slides are just plain white backgrounds with a logo and large text. It would be nice to have some different designs as those page breaks, although we do need the text to be easily readable as well.
5. Tables – at the moment, we are copying data from Excel into a deck. We’d really like some guidance on how we can present data in a better way, in keeping with our branding.
There may be other things you’d recommend we change and we’re open to ideas.
I hope this is okay as a brief, but happy to provide more details if you need more information?