Expected duration: 1 day or less Dear I want people to be abloe to POST Resposbiliy and ANonummously on
SOCIAL AND POLITICAL issues in my Country
But I want to give them PRIVACY so the communiity can SEE the MESSAGE and NOT the MESSENGER
Yes I want them to speak RESPOBIBLY at the same time w with no name calling
So can you set up a PUBLIC FACEBOOK GROUP or Page ?
I want the page that ANYONE can JOIN and do not need to be invited to the group So the GROUP or Page must be PUBLIC
So 1) As I want perople in my country make their comments about social and poltical issues. But i want their name to remain ANONYOUS
2) Pleas set up the FB GROUP. INVITE me to JOIN
3) in the BANNER area of the Page please CREATE the words " SPEAK YOUR VOIICE RESPONSIBLELY without calling names 2) Set up a ALIAS to allow yur Privacy /Anonymity