Width: 2.4m Length: 4.0m Front Height: 2.4m Rear Height: 2.2m Roof Overhang: 500mm at the front for shade Roof Pitch: Designed to allow rainwater runoff Base & Flooring:
Constructed on a fully insulated concrete base Floor Joists: 150mm treated timber set at 600mm centers Floor Insulation: 140mm insulation boards between joists Walls & Insulation:
Left Wall Window Opening: Size: 1800mm (L) x 1200mm (H) Purpose: Provides a view of the garden and maximizes natural light Front French-Style Doors: Size: 2100mm (H) x 1800mm (W) Opening onto decking area Roof Construction:
Insulation: Fully insulated internally External Finish: Rubber roofing membrane Substrate: OSB or plywood for structural support