MyThirdPlace is dedicated to mobilising Third Places across the UK to bring communities back together.
We are looking for blog/content writers to produce a single article for our website (approx. 1000 words) about your favourite Third Place in the UK. Ideally this is a specific venue, whether this is an independently run Third Place or a bigger chain.
What is a "Third Place"? The concept of a Third Place was coined by the sociologist Ray Oldenberg in his book "The Great Good Place". Third Places are essential gathering spots in the community for people to meet and make new friends. They are distinct from the home (the First Place) and work (the Second Place). For example; gyms, coffee shops, libraries and parks.
☁ See the Word Cloud (attached) for possible topics that you might like to weave into your article.
Also attached is guidance on how to submit your blog post if you agree to write for us!
It would be great to get a brief overview of the specific Third Place you will be writing about. We hope the owners of your favorite Third Place will read your piece, as we will be featuring your article on our our Instagram and LinkedIn, so really sell them to the reader! Please see attached how we will feature your piece and the venue you write about.
Experience in SEO would be a plus. Content must be authentic and not generated by AI.