3 hours of interview have been transcribed using Descript AI. It has produced a serviceable but of course not perfect transcription - occasional changes typos, misreadings, changes of speaker etc.
I need someone to listen to the audio and just amend / edit the written document where it diverges from the audio. The most important thing is to a) fix misappropriation of speaker b) insert passages where the ai transcriber has missed them out c) fix major misinterpretations.
Small things (People's names, etc not to worry about ) and I am specifically not looking to change hte errs umms hesitations etc.
Mainly two voices - occasionally a third.
The audio can be heard here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12vKJHMOrmUFaa0GfeX8YdOvdBzxssWYi?usp=sharing - and the document is uploaded. If the link is removed from this script let me know and I will find another way. Please make sure you have listened and read some of both and are confident of delivery. The last person who said yes to a job like this had not listened and read. Please note that the ai is from descript. I will not want to alter the format.