I need a product advert for a card game for children that is educational and fun. Teaching them about historic prophets in the religion of Islam. The audio will need to be discussed.
To give you a better insight on the game so you can best produce the results needed let me explain the game.
There are two types of Cards: •Prophets names •Miracles of the Prophets
1.Separate the two piles and shuffle the cards. 2.Place the miracle cards in the centre with the miracles facing down. 3.Lay out the Prophets names around the centre cards. 4.To start with you need to select one player to be the miracle guard! It can be a parent or anyone around you. 1
Instructions The job of the Miracle guard is to keep the book of miracles and make sure each person matches the mira- cle to the correct Prophet. Remember: When checking the miracles/Prophets you must not mention the correct answer if they do not know it or get it wrong. Your job as the guard is to then make sure they put the card back to the bottom of the pile for another player to have the chance to win it.
Let’s Play! 1.To start; the first player needs to pick up a miracle card from the top of the centre pile and place it face up for everyone to see. 2.Read it out loud and try to match it to the correct Prophet. You have one guess only! 3.If the player calls out the correct Prophet to match the Miracle they win the Miracle card. 1
Let’s Play! If the player gets it wrong or does not know the answer, the card must be placed at the bottom of the centre pile for another player to guess later on in the game. 4.The next player does the same and so on around the table. 5.The winner of the game is the one who has collected the most miracle cards by the end. Tip: Some Prophets have more than one miracle!
Startup Tech Business Plan Writer Category: Article Writing, Business Analysis, Business Plans, Business Writing, Content Writing Budget: $15 - $25 USD