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Today is: 28-Mar-2025 08:30 GMT
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Project title: Flutterflow Calendar App
Posted by: External project from PeoplePerHour
Started: 16-Jan-2025 20:17 GMT
Description: 1. Create a FlutterFlow/Firebase app that can be added to both apple/android app stores with registration/login/calendar pages
2.1 : Login/register with google/apple registration page
2.2 : Home page: Image + Logo at the top (can be any placeholder for the moment), stacked list of buttons below that link to other pages button 1: People 2: Calendar
3.1 : People button should link to a page that allows user to add additional relevant info eg D.O.B. about people that may be added to the calendar
4. Account *must* be able to link with other accounts on other mobile devices and view the same info
5 Click on the above Calendar button
5.1 : Displays a shared calender of events for multiple users (not all users will have the app), must be some way to link/approve accounts so that only people approved can access e.g. Person1 installs app and registers, gives unique code to person 2 who installs app and uses code to access the same calendar/info. Should be able to handle multiple people accessing the same instance of the app.
5.2 : Allow creation of events on calendar that may include just the creator or any number of the associated contacts/users created above (only the users/people added in step 3 should be available)
5.3 : As a user I create a calendar event and add an additional user that also has a linked account for the app but on a different mobile device, both see the same calendar, and any added users to the event can (optionally) get a push notification of their phone about the event when it is created.
5.4 Must be able to request a change to a calendar event, which would get sent to the new event owner, they can respond Accept/Reject/Maybe
5.4.1 if they accept the event owner (an colour) changes to them5.4 : Calendar has a good UI with different colours for each person that is available to be added
5.4.2 : should be able to click on the calendar event to see more detail
5.4.3 : Should be able to create recurring events easily e.g. for 2025 Person1 creates an event for every week Mon-Fri and Person2 Sat-Sun. All future and historic event data should be stored/viewable in calendar

If happy with the work i would like someone who will also be available for additional work/support on an ad-hoc basis paid at an hourly rate.

Please provide links to any examples of previous work.
Project ID: 3417405
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