Expected duration: 1 - 2 weeks Previously I had help creating an experiment (https://github.com/MorOtter/EXP1SEP2024) which now needs to be updated.
The code as is creates an app in which a participants completes the following task for an experiment.
1. Initial Landing - You start at the information page (`views/information.ejs`) which shows: - A participant information sheet - Details about the research project - Information about data protection and confidentiality - Eye tracking consent information
2. Login - You'll see a simple login screen (`views/login.ejs`) with: - A navigation bar showing "SCSS" (Security Control Simulation System) - A text input field for entering an ID number - A login button
3. Eye Tracking Setup - After login, you'll see eye tracking calibration instructions (`views/description.ejs`) explaining: - How to allow webcam access - Instructions for calibrating the eye tracker by clicking on blue squares - The squares turn red when properly calibrated - Assurance that only numerical data is recorded, no visual data
4. Task Instructions - You'll be randomly assigned to one of three conditions (`views/instructions.ejs`) which you will remain in for the entire time: - No Advisor - AI Advisor - Human Advisor - You'll see a task description explaining that you are: - A cyber defence expert - Working in Emergency Services Cyberdefense Division - Need to classify incoming data packets as "Trusted", "Suspect", or "Hostile"
5. Main Task Interface (`views/trial.ejs`) which you will be run through 5 times. The screen is divided into three panels: - Left Panel: - Shows your classification recommendation - Classification buttons (Trusted, Suspect, Hostile) - Center Panel: - A radar display showing incoming packets - Information about port numbers, protocols, and certificates - Right Panel: - Advisor recommendations (if in AI or Human advisor condition) - Option to accept recommendations
6. Questionnaires You'll complete several questionnaires after completing the task on the 1st, 3rd and 5th time: - NASA Task Load Index (`views/nasa.ejs`) - Situation Awareness Rating Technique (`views/sart.ejs`) - Trust in Automation Scale (`views/tias.ejs`)
7. Feedback and Debrief - Feedback form (`views/feedback.ejs`) asking about: - Your perceived accuracy - General experience with the experiment - Debrief page (`views/debrief.ejs`) providing: - Full explanation of the study - Credit code for participation - Contact information for researchers
What I want it to do is make the following changes to the task in a short a timescale as possible.
1. Remove the eye tracking.
2. Change the number and conditions of the trials from 5 times through with each person either receiving the No Advisor/AI Advisor/Human Advisor in each. To 3 times through and each participant in put into one of the groups below which goes
A - No Advisor/No Advisor/No Advisor B - AI Advisor/AI Advisor/No Advisor C - Human Advisor/Human Advisor/No Advisor
3. Change it so the participants only receive the questionnaires after they complete the first trial and then when they complete the third adding a page after the third trial for participants to complete the attached questionnaire "AI Literacy Scale Survey".
4. Add a text box to the debrief so they can record what percentage correct they thought they were.
5. Ensure continuation with a linked database as before to record all information provided by participants.
I have tried to make this as clear and explicit as possible, but if you have any questions about the project please do not hesitate to ask. However this needs to be done quickly and on a budget.
Startup Tech Business Plan Writer Category: Article Writing, Business Analysis, Business Plans, Business Writing, Content Writing Budget: $15 - $25 USD