I am looking for part auto colour coding and part Data match reconcilliation sheet.
After copying over data from the Client side in the "Client Raw Data" tab and my Company raw data in the "My Company Raw Data" tab
in the results tab
I want to try and match up the data to see where there is a break in the data set for me to investigate further.
For the purpouse of making it easier to understand I have matched by line the client side and My company side results in the "Results" tab - however this my not be organised this way, as data on both side could be unfiltered or sorted or lines missing. So this is just so it is easier to view.
I need
a) Where there is a match for the cells to go green b) Company Name match - this is based off if the name fully matches on both the client side and mine or if an alternative name matches e.g
Client name is Delta on the company side , however on my company side it shows as Delta 1. It has to search the Alternate name tab - to see if the alternate name matches or not?
c) where there is an amount only match for example a message should appear in the Amount match cell " Exact amount found only) - thus I would need to investigate further.
d) I need the colour coding as per the example - this is to help me work though the data and errors quickly as possible.
I dont want to use macros or VBA - as I want to try and replicate this my self by looking at the formulas and colour coding myself.
Video musical infantil Category: After Effects, Animation, Video Editing, Video Production, Video Services Budget: $10 - $30 USD
23-Feb-2025 23:02 GMT
English to Chinese IT Training Manual Translation Category: Simplified Chinese Translator, Spanish Translator, Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Translation Budget: $30 - $250 CAD