Hi dear I have a some folks who want to voice their opinions on POLITICAL Issues. They want their voices heard on Political and Social issues Anonymously
1) So they need a APP /Software whereby that works on their PHone( android or Apple ) . Thaat they can just talk into and share their opinions on that Voice Recording
2) But then i want the VOICE recording to then be able to be changed into another CLEAR ENGLISH speaking voice
I seee and have used the " Voice changers' On Google Play store , but they the voices sound too UNREAL, ECHO, ANimated Most persons still want to have their voice some like a REAL HUMAN PERSON, but still allowing them privacy of their opinions
She is assuming the more accents you supply is the more work and time it will cost you to create , is assumed So about 2 accents is sufficient
3) Then last we want the AUDIO file to be able to be shared to Platforms eg Whatsapp, YOutube Podcast etc
4 ) It really needs to be able shared to other Podcast Platforms eg Youtube , whatsapp etc Any other Podcast you can recommend will allow that group /person to share their Audio File , while still avoiding the Messenger some privacy of their opinions on Political or Issues of concern in their community
5) Are you also able to have the APP put onto Google Playstore? ( that way others can yu is)