Requirements for the WordPress Attendance Plugin Development This plugin will manage attendance tracking for both registered and non-registered students in WordPress. It will utilize Select2 for enhanced user experience with dropdown fields. Below are the detailed sections and functionalities required for the plugin:
Plugin Menu Dashboard Take Attendance Students Classes Groups Reports Language Settings
1. Dashboard Functionality: Display general statistics using colorful cards. Required Statistics: Total enrolled students. Total WordPress users. Total created classes. 2. Take Attendance Page layout divided into two columns: Left Column: Monthly calendar with the current day selected by default. Right Column: Select field (using Select2) for selecting a class. Additional select field with options: "Mark All as Present", "Absent", "Tardy". Dynamic student list displayed upon selecting a class: Format per student: Firstname Lastname (Username if First/Last not available) | Group | Status Three buttons for each student: Present Absent Tardy Save Attendance button. 3. Students Main View: Student Table: Columns: First Name, Last Name, Email, Class, Status. Filters: Filter by Class. Filter by Status (Active, Archived). Actions: Add Student button. View Archived button. Add Student Form: Initial Options: Radio select: Assign registered user (fetch data from wp_usermeta). Create new student record. Form Fields: Email: Auto-filled from wp_usermeta or manual entry. Phone: Auto-filled from wp_usermeta or manual entry. Status: Select (Active, Archived). Classes: Select2. Group: Select2. Start Date: Date picker. Notes: Text input. If Classes or Groups do not exist: Display message: "Not found. Create one." Include direct links to the respective pages. 4. Classes Main View: Class Creation Form (Left Column): Name. Weekday: Select field. Start Time: Time picker. End Time: Time picker. Instructor: Text input. Notes: Text area. Save button. Class Table (Right Column): Columns: ID, Name, Number of Students, Actions. Actions available: Edit Class Delete Class View Students (linked to a page showing enrolled students in a table): Full Name. Buttons for each student: Edit Student Delete Student Checkbox for bulk selection. Add Students button using Select2 to add multiple students at once. 5. Groups Group Definitions: Group Creation Form (Left Column): Name. Price. Expiration: Options: Never After (two additional fields for specifying duration and unit: days, weeks, months, years). Attendance Tracking: Per class. Per day. Attendance Limit: Numeric field (0 = No limit). Examples: 8Times-Student Card: Price: $10. Expiration: After 4 months. Attendance Tracking: Per class. Limit: 8. VIP: Price: $29. Expiration: After 4 months. Attendance Tracking: Per day. Limit: 0 (Unlimited). How Groups are Displayed in "Take Attendance": With Limit: John Derick (3 of 8 | 8Times-Student Card) valid Without Limit: John Derick (Dance Basic | 25 Times) valid Expired Group: John Derick (6 of 10 | 10Times-Student Card) expired 6. Reports Main Features: Generate custom reports by: Date. Class. Student status (Active/Archived). Export reports in CSV format. Enhancement: Include visual charts for better data representation. 7. Language Functionality: Multilingual support using WordPress gettext() functions for translations. 8. Settings General Configurations: Date and time formats. Select2 styling options. User roles with access control for the plugin. Additional Enhancements Modular Code Structure:
Organize functionality into independent classes (Attendance, Students, Classes, Groups) for maintainability. Automated Notifications:
Add reminders or alerts for upcoming class expiration or low attendance limits. REST API Integration:
Expose plugin data through custom REST API endpoints for external integrations. Role-Based Access Control:
Define specific roles (e.g., Admin, Instructor) with tailored permissions. Responsive UI/UX:
Use frameworks like Bootstrap for consistent and mobile-friendly design. Developer Notes:
Efficiency: Use Select2 for dropdowns and avoid redundant queries. Database: Normalize tables for Students, Classes, and Groups to prevent data redundancy. Security: Sanitize and validate all input data. Prevent SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities. Scalability: Ensure code is modular, extensible, and compatible with WordPress best practices.