(1) Task Modify the capability of the custom-built Excel VBA program, Selection-Tape Match to accept the changes to the ALBUM_CD and TAPES spreadsheets and execute the program in a manner consistent with the existing program operation.
(2) Program Purpose The purpose of the Selection-Tape Match program is to update records of song titles (selections) in the ALBUM_CD spreadsheet with the matching Tape Title and source media format information from the TAPES spreadsheet. This is accomplished by a spreadsheet comparison operation which includes searching, comparing, transferring and copying for reference, matching song (selection) title information and other data from between the two music list spreadsheets
(3) Scope User requires modifications to a custom-built Excel VBA program, Selection-Tape Match, written for Excel 2010. The modifications are required to accommodate new data fields within the ALBUM_CD and the TAPES spreadsheet. A full scope description is contained in the requirements document titled Requirements for Selection Tape Match Excel VBA Program Modifications