We need a new page on our affect3d.com WP site. Here you can find the design, we will need the V2 design https://www.figma.com/design/zE4vvrEOX8rviCpFsgWf4j/Peter?t=RnWPNx39ab2gdaRP-1
For this page we will need a separated interface where we can mange our partners offers Here are the requirements
Additional requirements for the admin interface: - Page Title - Description (H1) - 300 character text box to the bottom of the page (H2) For the products - Image field - Title field - Description field 150 words - Orifginal price field - Discount field - You Save field with % - If the price is 0 the fild should be FREE - Call to action button "Get My Discount!" button with a link - Need a Drag and Drop function to be able to change the position of the products (for example move the 6th product to the 3rd position)
This new page will needs to be added to the header of the blog next tot he Featured Releases
- WordPress Site optimization
We would like to optimize our affect3d.com WP blog to reach 90+ score on Google Lighthouse or Google PageSpeed test.