I need a VERY GOOD ENGLISH SPEAKER Teacher To TEACH me how to REACT to Political Videos on youtube
I will need the person to teach me using whatever they are KNOWLEDGE ABout using Screensharing and Screen Capturing and Recording to show me What is the Easiest software for that , Zoom? Or GOogle Meet? or Evmux or Or does CAP CUP have these Screensharing features that you can teach me with??
Please DO NOT MENTION the Hard software like OBS or Premier or Photo Shop , NOT INTERESTED in learning any of that TEDIOUS software for me to learn
So basically I wna to contribute to the Social , Political Issues happening in our WOrld and therefore I want to create REACTION videos to these issues
Therefore I am looking for the BEST TEACHER that can teach me the EASIEST SIMPLEST Method to reaction to these videos on youtube
I work on EAstern Standard time as i am in the cayman islands Im available from 9am to 8[m EST for Classes for you to Teach me how to quickly ,easily simply create REACTION VIDEOS
Again please mention in your Proposal where you are from and WHAT METHOD or Platform you will find it EASIEST for me to learn from you on ( that allows you to easily Screenshare , screenrecord, and demonstrate To ME what you are teaching
AGain please DO NOT mention the hard ones like OBS and, PRemier etc That will NOT work for me
Please SEND ME A AUDIO link so i can hear your accent OR you have a YOutube channel yourseelf?
I want to after having CREATED these REACTION videos, to then UPLOAD them to my YOutube channel ( that upload part I do not need help with. I know well )
Please seee the ATTACHEMENT that shows how i willl like this done eg in the TRUMP Video, where the VIDEO is going, and the YOung man with the " REACTOR " is a small Circlular or SQUARE Box Listeining , sharing and reacting to the Video with TRump